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Payment Gateway Integration

Custom Payment Gateway Integration makes way for hassle free payments enabling our clients to accept money in minutes with success rates that are best in the industry.

  • Client:

    In-house Project

  • Date:

    Jun 2016

Project Details

Payment Gateway integration app was designed for our product Dwike Apps as we need to build out a solution that works with Multi-tenant cloud based SAAS application. As we receive the webhook request from our payment gateway partner we need an automated system that deploy the application and share the sms notification to our customer.

Our Challenges

Building an application that contains multiple actions in backend like deploy customer instance on their preferred subdomain based on their plan selection, share email notification, sms notification, inform our sales team on slack for quick call and create a join me session well in advance. Based on their expire share notifications via email/sms and if not renewed before expiration make the retention backup for 1 month and make it available to our customers.



Laravel 5.5 (PHP)




The Result

Our Team is really happy with the system as lot of our routine work is now been automated and there is no room of failure. We will be happy to share our expertize with you and help you deploy similar solution.

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