We like to let our work speak for itself.

Automate Deployments

Securely automate deployments to eliminates downtime and rework while ensuring the consistency, quality, and audibility of software deployments across all environments.

  • Client:

    In-house Project

  • Date:

    Jan 2017

Project Details

Automated Deployment requirement raised from our internal project as we work with Scrum Methodology, we have a sprint of 2 weeks and to deploy the project every 2 weeks was time consuming.

Our Challenges

Every 2 weeks when we have the code coded and tested for the next release we spent around 3-4 hours with the deployment. So we decided to use Laravel Envoy and make some automation. Envoy only work with remote git pull but as we maintain our code repository in our own Gitlab server we created the Laravel Envoy script so that it pushes the code to AWS Environment.



Laravel Framework 5.5


Shell Script


Bash Script


Php 7.2


The Result

Automated Deployment script is really helpful and now we have reduced our deployment time from 3-4 hours to 15 minutes with the execution of single command.

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