Flex is a Software Development Kit by Adobe that allows developers to build innovative stimulating web applications. Flex applications support multiple design patterns and can be consistently deployed across multiple platforms; desktops, browsers, tablets and phones. It brings together XML and MXML to create visually appealing UIs and enhanced functionalities. With Flex it is possible to do a lot of things that are not allowed by HTML5, especially when it comes to cross platform development.
Ingress delivers pleasing Rich Internet Applications using Flex at a cost effective rate. Our highly experienced and talented Flex application development teams have delivered unique and latest Flex applications to clients. Our solid flex development expertise and creativity help us to deliver innovative and path breaking applications that meet client requirements.
Few of our Adobe Flex Expertise
Custom Components
During development for a project, there might be a requirement which requires custom presentation of data. To address these requirements Flex allows you to override and create new custom controls which if developed correctly can be reused within the project. To ensure that the best user experience is developed, our engineers build custom controls for our customers which perform well and nicely fit into the UI.
Mobile Application Development
Development in Flex platform is not limited to the web and desktop. Adobe has further enhanced its SDK to support all commonly used mobile platforms such as Android, iOS, PlayBook and more. Flex Mobile Development Kit is one of the most mature solutions in market to develop cross platform mobile applications which would support one code base and run on multiple devices with multiple operating systems.
Skinning of Flex Applications
Skinning plays a big part on the outcome of an application developed in Flex. To ensure that Flex applications match up with our customerâs brand and color theme, we develop custom themes. Skins that we develop for our customers are reusable to ensure a consistent user experience.
Plugins for Adobe Creative Suite
Creating extensions for Creative Suite applications such as In Design, Photoshop, Illustrator can be developed in Flex using Creative Suite Extension Builder. We have developed numerous extensions for Creative Suite using this technology.
Charting and Dashboard Applications
Charts are a necessary component of any analytical tool. Flex is very strong in rendering charts in various formats. There are a couple of open-source and proprietary libraries in Flex using which charts can be developed. We have integrated charts using Flex in a number of applications and have employed both open-source and proprietary libraries while doing so.
Text Layout Framework
One of the core features of Flex is its Text Layout Framework. Text Layout Framework (TLF) is an extensible ActionScript library, built on top of Flash Player text engine. It supports advanced text layout features and provides the capability to produce sophisticated and innovative typography on the web. Our developers have extensive experience in development from Text Layout Framework (TLF).
Rich Internet Applications Development
Flex is known for its ability to produce Rich Internet Applications on the Flash platform and that is exactly what we do. We harness the power of Flex and develop web applications which are expressive, highly interactive, easy to use, customization and can be deployed consistently on all browsers across all operating systems.
Porting Legacy Applications to RIA Platform
The web is now transforming to adopt Web 2.0. Web browsers and operating systems are enhancing rapidly to ensure full support for Web 2.0 elements. In this era where migration to Web 2.0 has become mandatory, we help our customers migrate their legacy solutions to web 2.0 platform. We work closely to define a strategy which best suits the product.
Rich Desktop Applications in AIR
Introduction of AIR opened new possibilities for web developers with skill set in Flash, HTML and Flex to develop desktop applications which deploy consistently on all all operating systems and provide rich user experience. Options which existed earlier for cross platform development of desktop applications were not as strong as AIR in terms of productivity and user experience. This has lead to heavy adoption of the AIR platform in developing desktop apps. In our consulting assignments, we have helped our customers identify the advantage of using AIR Platform and migrated their apps.
We Cater to a Variety of Flex Development Needs